Collection: Class Leadership Stoles - Class Officer Stoles

Collection: Class Leadership Stoles - Class Officer Stoles

Class Leadership Stoles and Class Officer Stoles are special stoles or sashes worn by student leaders during graduation ceremonies to distinguish them from their peers. They signify the student's leadership role and responsibilities within the class.

  1. Class Leadership Stoles are typically worn by students who have taken on a leadership role within their class, such as serving as class president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer. These stoles symbolize the student's leadership and dedication to their class.

  2. Class Officer Stoles are similar to Class Leadership Stoles (president, vice president, treasurer), but are specifically worn by elected class officers. They signify the student's responsibility to represent and serve their classmates during their time in office.

These stoles or sashes can be made of high-quality material, such as satin or silk, and may feature the school's colors and emblem, or the student's specific leadership role within the class. Wearing these stoles during graduation ceremonies is a way to recognize and celebrate the student's leadership achievements and contributions to their class.